Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Richard carpenter 2022-06-12
You know that saying “happy wife, happy life”? Well if you are away a lot for work like I am, get this and your life will be easy sailing!
Ashley Jackson 2023-01-09
This thing is the perfect combo! It was discreet and fast! It came in a cute black box with a back travel bag and a magnetic charger! Very good, very easy, and I would 100% recommend this to my friends!
Jack Straw 2022-04-23
So far, so good. Went together easily, felt comfortable enough to sit on. Looks innocent enough to eyes that don't know what it is. Have not yet used it for it's intended purpose so review may change.
Solar 2023-03-18
Absolutely love this toy my man love to see me on video chat when traveling so this toy and some thin cum lube worked perfectly for our nightly kinky video chat. The quality was great definitely felt amazing. A perfect thickness as well. You will enjoy this toy the quality and definitely the affordability
Avery Wozniak 2022-05-13
So I had seen a few reviews and decided to order the Rose for my fiancé to give her a different type of “toy” that’s not your everyday basic vibrator and the results she got from it was phenomenal! Unlike any other sexual experience with a vibrator you could possibly have. Honestly this is probably the best sex toy I could have possibly bought for her and she absolutely LOVES IT!! Definitely recommend getting one for your girlfriend or spouse! She will thank you in more ways than one!!
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