Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Kane 2023-01-19
Nice and heavy durable easy to clean
Tyler 2022-11-04
The internal textures are out of this world. Naturally when I opened the box I was a little skeptical so I opened everything up and opened each entry to see the inside. With a dry finger I felt the texture of each. Needless to say I immediately prepped to give it a full try.
Perfect size for laying on your back or propped on a folded pillow. Easy to clean and comes with a drying stick. Only takes a few minutes to dry. Comes with a very nice storage bag. The box it comes in is very
Janet 2023-01-03
This toy is amazing because it's feels super realistic!
Victoria Laguna 2022-07-11
Order this product a few days ago, just got delivered today. Haven't played with it yet, but judging from the size, girth, and flexibility, this is exactly what I was looking for in a toy like this. My previous toy was way too stiff and rubbery, and it didn't feel comfortable, but I'm sure this will be a huge upgrade! Looking forward to playing with this!
Leila 2022-09-12
This thing is very realistic. Firm with a lot of squish to the outer layer. Visible veins under the skin make it look real. It has great suction to stay in place.
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