Best large size dildo on the market, perfect shape and softness / firmness
Dan 2023-01-09
This is so perfectly sculpted, textured and painted that I got jealous of an inanimate object. Perfect is the best way to describe it. The suction cup is quality. Squeezing it feels real. This is the most realistic dildo I've held.
Donald Howard 2022-03-24
I love the suction and the power of the toy is awesome I almost replaced my boyfriend
wayne w. 2022-12-12
This is the most exciting male fun toy you will ever wrap your member with.
So dang wonderful you will forget all about women.
Never has a headache, never on the monthly’s, always in the mood.
This toy desearves a wonderful nickname and the most loving thoughts
I never want to unhook and leave those wonderful lips
If the battery runs low just keep pumping as it also works as a toy too
Jon Perry 2022-10-15
My favorite thing about this product is the weight of it. The price is less than half of the higher quality types and it is great for what it is. It is as easy to clean as other products in this area but I can say the weight can bug me. Since it is 12 pounds the product can be weighty when I am trying to flip it when cleaning it. I would suggest having something smaller in the case of cleaning it while also trying to keep it private in a household of people.
That dude 2023-05-10
The pictures are accurate but misleading on the exact size. If you’re looking for an upgrade from a pocket toy this is a great start
GG 2023-05-10
Wow what a device, the misses won’t sit on any other furniture and I abide.
Hours of finger licking fun
Best value tool to make misses yell my name
keymani 2022-12-27
i can barley get my fingers around it. is a bit sticky at all times but thats from the silicone. feels very real.
Joshua 2022-06-12
It came in discreet packaging came earlier then said when I ordered it is very soft has great suction.
B & T 2022-05-16
I'm four months pregnant and have a complication that makes most sex off limits. I can't have my man walking around all frustrated and possibly looking for other "outlets" so I badgered him into letting me order this for him. He seems more than happy with it. Clean up is easy, just set it into the sink and run warm water into it, soap it all up and wash and rinse it well. Use baby powder to keep it dry and it should last.
AmazonLover 2023-02-08
First time buying a toy. I looked at the other reviews and kept seeing people talk about it not being good for beginners, which made me concerbed that maybe it eould be too big but that was not the case. I will assume they meant for anal play in which case I can understand. The texture of the toy is pretty nice and I find the firmness to bee quite good. It came in a discreet package and was here on time. For a first toy, I don't regret my purchase.
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