Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Lucky 2022-09-29
I was pleasantly surprised with just how real this actually feels. I really don’t have any complaints at all. The fact of it being very heavy allows for it to not move around much while in use which is definitely a huge plus compared to competing products. Highly recommend!
JB 2022-12-24
Guys I've bought a few of these different styles but none with suction. First thing first LOTS OF LUBE at first, you can trim back later. Now me I'm partial to a slow edging BJ and I can always throw it in high later. Take the time to go vibe and suction only cause with it all three going ur gonna miss some amazing stuff! I don't know how they do it but if you set suction about 3 clicks and run through the vibe levels pushing the power button letting you feel each one...I swear it feels like a tongue flicking in different areas on different levels.
Phillip 2022-06-24
When i tell you pictures don't do it justice, i mean it.
It's big
A horse
Kitt 2022-09-25
Great toy very large easy to clean would definitely recommend!
Nyla McBride 2022-04-06
So this being my first toy I've bought I will say, size is very intimidating at first. But, it is completely worth it. It does exactly what it needs to do and with it's size, much more. A great buy!
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