She loves the large head and how soft it is. Started out a little wary but once she warmed up to it .....She couldn't get enough! first time , she rode it for 2 hours!! Squirting repeatedly . I come home from work and she's banging herself with it! great buy!
Blair B 2022-05-25
Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Dan 2023-01-09
This is so perfectly sculpted, textured and painted that I got jealous of an inanimate object. Perfect is the best way to describe it. The suction cup is quality. Squeezing it feels real. This is the most realistic dildo I've held.
mar 2022-12-22
Good material, easy to clean. Nice self-warming feature and tension. Edit: like it more for portable ability.
Dee Em Cee 2023-04-25
t’s solid but too short for my 5’8” tall girlfriend. It was frustrating. She was tipping over. It’s like doing squats to the floor starting from below parallel. I didn’t realize there are others that have adjustable height. I’m surprised there isn’t any companies that really get this stuff right. Those that come close charge a fortune. You could probably make your own with structural pipe such as SteelTek and some heavy duty resistance bands. I’d do it but prefer something less industrial looking for the bedroom.
Devon 2022-04-22
Very realistic and looks like good quality
Elijah Salgado 2022-05-07
It feels good for those complaining you guys need the real thing lol to value and appreciate this little thing
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