WOW. THIS is the one, guys. I have owned countless toys over the years, including full size...This toy is the best I've ever tried if you are after that realistic experience. It's big enough to simulate the closeness of feel, but still small enough to easily handle in any position. The texture of it, and the way the material squishes and jiggle is extremely realistic. On the inside, it seems to be designed just right. Some toys have too many notches, which take away from the realism. This one is just right. With a warming wand and the right water based lube (I like Lafiya vitamin E white), I promise you it is exactly like the real thing. This is the only toy I've ever tried that has gotten it exactly right.
Taylor 2022-07-12
Product is super soft and pliable, definitely lifelike. Gets the job done and feels great! I would recommend putting a towel down because it’s a tad sticky if it isn’t powdered and might leave a stain. My favorite parts are the size and weight, it does half the work for you if you get the momentum right!
l w 2023-01-09
The size is average, but the suction is very strong. Great beginner you.
Erin Brandt 2022-11-07
Putting it together is a challenge. It requires two people to put it to gether. Other than that, it is great and the price is amazing compared to stores.
Richard carpenter 2022-06-12
You know that saying “happy wife, happy life”? Well if you are away a lot for work like I am, get this and your life will be easy sailing!
Karen G. 2022-12-10
It will take getting used to using it but it’s great! I put it together by myself and it wasn’t as difficult as people made it out to be.
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