Looks good just take time to learn the best way it works with you and your partner
Evan 2022-08-21
This toy is a lot bigger in person, something that's nearly unheard of when it comes to these types of toys haha!
Not that that's a bad thing. I usually go for much smaller toys, but it's nice to have some bigger ones for those more adventurous moods.
It's very firm and a bit heavy for its suction cup, but it's very easy to clean and well sculpted. I'm very happy with it in the end, and I'm sure this is many people's favorite toy.
Lucky 2023-03-10
I was pleasantly surprised with just how real this actually feels. I really don’t have any complaints at all. The fact of it being very heavy allows for it to not move around much while in use which is definitely a huge plus compared to competing products. Highly recommend!
NerdShop 2023-01-23
Perfectly Described. I was searching for a "realistic" toy and saw some hefty price tags up to $600. I took a chance on this. OMG. It is amazingly lifelike. While this is larger than the average (5") penis it is certainly not ominous.
Matthew 2022-05-05
My friend was feeling a little down and lonely if you get my drift, so i thought i would buy her something that would make her smile and it did the trick....
She said it was her new best friend from now on. So it was well worth it. Best buy.!!!
Marcel 2022-08-13
This is a great product that actually does exactly what it says it will do. I have had no issues with the motor or vibration. As is always the case with adult toys the suction could be stronger but as it is it is more than adequate. For the price this toy is a great buy and if you are lucky enough to get one like I got you will be very happy.
Trishta Wilson 2022-10-16
Definitivamente se asemeja a mi pene tan natural que parece Real, es buen tamaño me hubiera gustado un Poco más ancho para sentir llenar el espacio adecuadamente, sin embargo no está nada mal…!!!!!!
TarynHolz 2022-10-20
Very strong vibrations. Really good for the money. The remote is very convenient too. The tapping feature was a surprise as it seemed to just sit at the right spot. Can’t recommend this item enough if you’re interested in p-spot massage.
Jerry 2022-05-01
Perfect as a toy for people starting out or need something as a warmup, suction is great and the firmer core is noticable and different feeling from regular toys
Steven Cheskin 2023-02-12
Good product would buy again
Mich 2022-06-21
It definitely resembles a Caucasian male, down to the veins being added, which was a bit startling but something that you don't notice while using. It is a good size for a beginner, so advanced it's good for as well especially when pushing limits. The texture of it, and feel of it isn't too soft or to hard, almost as if it's perfect for playing.
Jon Perry 2022-10-15
My favorite thing about this product is the weight of it. The price is less than half of the higher quality types and it is great for what it is. It is as easy to clean as other products in this area but I can say the weight can bug me. Since it is 12 pounds the product can be weighty when I am trying to flip it when cleaning it. I would suggest having something smaller in the case of cleaning it while also trying to keep it private in a household of people.
B & T 2022-05-16
I'm four months pregnant and have a complication that makes most sex off limits. I can't have my man walking around all frustrated and possibly looking for other "outlets" so I badgered him into letting me order this for him. He seems more than happy with it. Clean up is easy, just set it into the sink and run warm water into it, soap it all up and wash and rinse it well. Use baby powder to keep it dry and it should last.
mike 2022-05-15
Looks real and feels amazing. Perfect size for me. Will definitely buy another!
Only down fall is I can’t stop playing with it.
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