Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Holly McGown 2022-07-02
I saw a ton of reviews that concerned me like battery life and overall performance so I used it for a good 2 weeks before leaving this review. Overall it's great. It's suction is just enough to not be painful, the vibration is a perfect accompaniment, the battery lasts one longer session with no issues. I just charge it after use and it's ready to go by the time I need it again. Overall I only use one of the many modes, and it works great :) The size is good, and the material is soft. It's not loud and I can use it without anyone in the next room knowing my business. I'd say it's a great toy for the money :) Well worth it. Great overall quality and value.
mar 2022-12-22
Good material, easy to clean. Nice self-warming feature and tension. Edit: like it more for portable ability.
Mich 2022-06-21
It definitely resembles a Caucasian male, down to the veins being added, which was a bit startling but something that you don't notice while using. It is a good size for a beginner, so advanced it's good for as well especially when pushing limits. The texture of it, and feel of it isn't too soft or to hard, almost as if it's perfect for playing.
HeavyD 2022-04-30
Quick shipping. Package arrived fully intact damage free. Solid feel and natural look. No latex smell. We are satisfied with the whole experience and the product
Frank Castles 2022-10-22
Very durable, tighter for the girthier fellows. Detail in the lips are pleasurable. The weight is dispersed so all ways of play are easy. Leaving it stationary or gripping and stroking. It takes it all, make sure to purchase a proper dry stick and toy cleaner with renewing powder. No smells or tears or weak spots.
sami 2023-02-20
This product was definitely worth more than the asking price. I have other toys from adult stores that cost way more and are much less exciting lol. The heat setting really just sets it over the edge because you can cut it on and press the heat button allowing it to warm up before use. Definitely recommend this product to those looking to spice it up a little!
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