Seems sturdy and well built, though we haven't used it yet. It was a little difficult to put together and afterwards for a test she sat on it but said the velcon on the top portion rubbed a little too much, but overall it seems like a good product especially for the price.
Gabrielle 2022-11-19
I really should have read how big this is! I mean I love it but it was definitely a shock when I got it out of the box!
Personally due to the size I do not recommend this particular one for beginners-but it’s definitely worth going for!
Haley Fox Blog 2022-09-19
More than does the job! Didn't even know these existed until I found it on here - my gf is glad I did. Excellent for foreplay or solo time. It's quite powerful too, you'd be surprised. Overall very happy.
Scottie 2022-05-06
I wuv my new wubba dingawing. It's just da wite size for muh butt ho
Trishta Wilson 2022-10-16
Definitivamente se asemeja a mi pene tan natural que parece Real, es buen tamaño me hubiera gustado un Poco más ancho para sentir llenar el espacio adecuadamente, sin embargo no está nada mal…!!!!!!
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